• What is SIC?

    SIC is based on a herbal formulation from natures finest ingredients.

    SIC is made from herbal plants and fruits which are rich with nutrients that provide dietary support for the normal healthy functioning of the immune system. 

  • How does SIC help my body?

    – Supports Liver Detoxification 

    – Prevents Biochemical Imbalance 

    – Boosts Immune System

    – Normalizes Blood Sugar Levels 

    – Rich in anti-oxidants    

         – Improves Gut Health
         – Boosts Energy Levels

 SIC Key Ingredients: 

-Mixed Berries

-Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (AFA),



-Coenzyme Q10,

-Guarana Extract,

-Vitamin B Complex,

  • How many sachets are in one box?

    – SIC contains 15 sachets 

    How do I take SIC

    – Mix 1 sachet in 100ml water and stir well. 

    – Take 1 – 2 sachets daily